How Your Emotions Impact Your Physical Body

How Your Emotions Impact Your Physical Body

As a Naturopath, it is my job to assess both the health of the physical body as well as the impact the mind and emotions on that physical body. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that the organs of the body hold and represent certain emotions. I witness this in patient cases all the time, and rely on being able to refer my patients to Psychotherapists to help bolster their mental healthcare. Often, the body won’t fully heal from an ailment unless the emotional burden is lessened. Below are the relationships between the organs of the body and their corresponding emotions, and how they might present in an individual:

The Liver 

The Liver governs the emotions of Anger and Frustration. Often this displays in patients with with hormonal disturbances like PMS, PMDD and peri-menopause, or when the Liver is overburdened by alcohol, toxicity or an unhealthy lifestyle. Support through talk therapy, lifestyle modifications and Liver herbs such as Milk Thistle are a well rounded way to improve Liver function.

The Lungs 

The Lungs house the emotions of Grief and Sadness. This often presents in patients as a lingering cough or throat clearing after someone has experienced a loss in their lives. Having these emotions processed by a therapist can be so beneficial to the functioning capacity of the lungs in addition to supplement support like NAC and Quercetin. 

The Kidneys

The Kidneys hold the emotions of Fear and Apprehension. This can appear in the body as lower back pain or frequent urinary tract infections.Unprocessed fear can be worked through with a therapist, and the results can alleviate strain on the Kidney meridians. 

The Heart

The Heart represents Joy, and is often elated to struggles with maintaining healthy emotional boundaries. This can sometimes demonstrate in patients as Heart disease, and is seen in all genders. Having a healthy work-life balance in addition to regular exercise, healthy diet and clear boundaries with others is a great way to support the heart. 

It is important to treat the body from a holistic perspective and this involves the mental and emotional wellbeing. Seeing a Psychotherapist in addition to Naturopathic advice is a great idea to get to more of the root and to the emotions that could be impacting organs and in turn pathologies. We are so lucky to have even more Psychotherapists joining our teams at the Toronto and Creemore Apothecaries to help you receive the most holistic care.

Wishing you all a beautiful summer!

Be well,

Dr. Kate

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