Here we are in the thick of winter. The days are short while the sun hibernates and here in Canada it affects us whether we like it or not. While not everyone experiences symptoms of S.A.D. we all happen to live in a world that constantly moves at an abundant, mid-summers pace and trying to keep our energy so high during the winter can funk us up.
Below are a few ways you can elevate your mood and support your overall well being with reflexology as we await the sunshine's return.
Before Bed Routine
- A foot bath to warm the feet or clapping the feet to encourage circulation.
- Follow with a relaxing oil or lotion and a nice foot massage. You can focus on these areas for mood support: the toes, relieves tension from the neck and supports the brain; and the arch of each foot, supports gut health which among other things harmonizes mental/emotional well being.
Hand Reflexology for Inner Sunshine
- Press one thumb into the centre of the other palm and press as you take three deep breaths. This is the solar plexus and helps to calm your entire system.
- Massage each thumb, the brain zone, to soothe your mind and nervous system.
- Starting at the base of the outside of your thumb, where it meets your wrist, and massage along the spine of the thumb upwards towards the tip. This supports the function of your nervous system.
- Press into the top of each thumb to further support the brain.
- Squeeze the base of the webbing between your index finger and thumb to connect with the adrenal glands.
- Press into the solar plexus once more.
- Complete on each hand.
Enjoy trying these routines for yourself!
Written by Amie Young, Reflexologist